ABOUT / what i'm about

This is what makes me tick .

I’m passionate about life, madly in love with my family, a marketing industry veteran and Founder of Green Chilli.

When you’re in a spin and unsure of how to navigate the marketing maze, I’m the person to turn to for the ideas that will make your brand sing. 

Watching businesses thrive is one of the most satisfying feelings a marketer can have, especially when you know you’re behind it.

I’m about educating you to engage and take control of your own marketing. I’m the one behind you, supporting you to identify and develop your business and marketing potential.

Here's what I know .

I love and adore my kids, my family and my friends and they know it.

I am def a foodie and love to try new things.

The ocean makes me calm.

I miss my grandparents every day.

I love shoes but mainly wear Cons these days – lots of colours. Some may call this an addiction.

Sleep is underrated.

I enjoy cooking but love baking more (thanks nan).

I’ve written a children’s book for mums and kids to read together.

Losing weight won’t make your life perfect.

Morning hugs are awesome.

Good friendships are hard to find and are worth fighting for.

Giving a smile or a compliment to a stranger can change their day.

Developing my career has made me a better mum.

I love what I do and when I talk of passion, it is in it’s most genuine form.

Life ebbs and flows and has many ups and downs, and that’s ok.

An awesome meal is better shared.

I love to give of myself and I love to surprise others.

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