Having productive meetings is vital for any business! Meetings help attendees voice their concerns and opinions and communicate measures that can be taken to improve and move forward.

Remember that people present at meetings take a lot of time and effort out of their busy schedules to be present at the desired time and venue.

Here are a few ways on how to get the most out of business meetings:

Be Kind.

Whether you’re the manager, director, CEO or partner of a business, large organisation or firm, always be kind and humble to everyone involved. Learn to be friendly to everyone and build rapport so that everyone can voice their concerns and ideas freely and openly at business meetings.


Listening to others present at the meeting is just as important as talking. Ensure that everyone is given an equal opportunity to speak and put forth their views, opinions and ideas across the table and listen to them carefully. Make sure your mobile phones are switched off or on silent mode.

Be Respectful.

Always maintain order and decorum in a place of business, including the meeting rooms. Don’t get fired up or carried away during business discussions and deliberations; be respectful to everyone in the room. Cool off with a drink of water if you have to!

Be Willing To Learn From Others.

There’s always something to imbibe and learn from your business colleagues, so open your eyes and ears and take in new ideas and opinions you wouldn’t have thought of. Remember, meetings are called for people to generate new thoughts and creative and innovative ideas. Avoid interrupting others while they are speaking, as this could come across as being rude and impatient.

Tone And Volume Of Voice.

Make sure to always keep the tone and volume of your voice at a reasonable level so that you don’t give others the impression that you’re getting riled up or anxious.

Body Language.

Tapping your hands and fingers on the table, crossing legs, and bobbing heads are big no-nos at business meetings. Maintain professionalism as you are being watched all the time and set an example for others to learn from.

Be On Time.

Never be late to a business meeting. If you are stuck in heavy traffic or are facing any other kind of emergency make sure to text or call somebody already present at the meeting and inform them of your delay.

Nobody likes waiting for somebody who “accidentally forgot to set their alarm clock in the morning”!

Be Assertive, Participate And Be Positive.

Don’t get lost in the conversation. Make yourself heard, and don’t agree with someone just because you’re feeling scared or intimidated. Focus on the business’s positives rather than harping on the negatives.

Participate in the meeting as much as possible and be assertive. You don’t want people to think you’re there to get them coffee and doughnuts!

Be Organised.

Have an agenda circulated to everyone prior to the meeting so that everyone is up to date and clued in on the topics for discussion. Make sure that everyone introduces themselves before commencing the meeting.

Thoughts to ponder.

Set yourself up for success. Plan out how you will move forward with your meeting.
What do you need?
Who is involved?
What do you want the outcome to be?

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