Networking is essential to business success today, but it is easier to slip up than you might imagine. And let’s face it, networking can be scary! But it doesn’t have to be.

Here are some networking etiquette faux pas to avoid.

Asking Before You Offer Something.

Networking is a two-way street. If you make a connection and almost immediately ask for a favour, you are destined to have your requests turned down or have future most likely connections judge you (and stay away) based on this reputation.

You need to build and nurture the relationship, offering something from your side before you tap into the connection for your benefit. Always give before you take.

Be more selfless when networking, and your contacts see you have their best interests at heart. Over time, this will translate into introductions, referrals, and references based on the trust you have nurtured.

Not Acknowledging Help.

If someone helps you out, whether it was a favour you requested or even if it was unsolicited, always remember to acknowledge this support. For you to build a lasting, fruitful connection, the other person must feel appreciated for going out of their way for you.

It could be an introduction to someone who could use your service, a vendor who may be your right partner, or even someone in the industry you could benefit from knowing. Always acknowledge this help.

Not Showing Respect For Their Time.

You need to put your best professional foot forward when networking. Showing up late or cancelling an appointment is bad form. Even if you have an immediate business deal, be sure to call and explain why you have to reschedule personally, and then later thank them for accommodating you.

Always remember to thank a new connection (and old ones, too) for taking the time to meet with you – even if it was just a cup of coffee and no business deals were struck.

Ignoring Online Networking.

While the old school of thought believed offline face-to-face meetings build stronger connections, that isn’t necessarily true anymore. Online networking tools make it easier to stay constantly connected and maintain fulfilling conversations on an ongoing basis.

While you may not be able to schedule meetings with your network often enough offline, thanks to email and inbox messaging tools on professional social networks, you can keep them posted and engage in casual conversation online.

Not Knowing (And Improving) Yourself.

Networking is also about showing off the best version of yourself. Dress well and in attire appropriate for the occasion. Work on your shortcomings. Enroll in training that helps you discover anything in your personality, manner or approach that could be an obstacle to being an effective networker. Then, work at improving that weak point.

Aiming For Too Many.

While you may need to reach out to hundreds of people before you strike it lucky with some, it is hard to keep up meaningful associations with all of them. Prioritise and see who is likely to make the best long-term connect.

Can you offer them something they will see as useful? Could you some day introduce each other to contacts the other would find helpful? Once you zero in on these connections in your network, work at staying connected to them.

Punching Above Your Weight.

While it may be tempting to try and reach out to the who’s who of the industry, step back and think about it for a minute. Is there really anything you will be able to offer a Fortune 500 CEO that his network cannot?

Is it likely to be a dead-end relationship, doomed before it begins? Evaluate a prospective connection before you reach out. Be realistic, and don’t go for the big guns! Your ‘people to contact’ shortlist isn’t a wish list.

Thoughts to ponder.

Think about attending events with a friend or colleague.
Are you building a credible reputation?
Try a few different events and see what you like.

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