Marketing is a vital part of a company’s balanced diet when it comes to business success. It isn’t just a ‘fix-it’ measure to be used when things go south. Even Fortune 500 companies recognise the value of marketing. While their pockets may be deeper, smaller startups and mid-size firms can allocate resources for this essential nutrient. Consulting giant McKinsey believes the consumer decision journey is the key to marketing return on investment. That’s why you need to watch out for the telltale signs that could mean your business is struggling without enough attention or investment in marketing.

1. Your clients aren’t coming back.

Sales can get you through the door or inspire interest in the first purchase. However, you need to supplement the traditional sales call with marketing to keep clients coming back. Whether it is keeping clients engaged with your company by sharing relevant research, articles, or other content; helping them find ways to do more with their purchase through mailers with ideas; or sending interesting discount offers, trial vouchers, or referral offers for returning customers; marketing can elevate the interaction from a routine sales call to something more. Clever branding, social media posting, interesting promos, and useful literature help the client build a deeper connection with your products and services.

2. You’re not getting the clients you want.

Digital marketing and technology have made the marketplace one that loves the option to self-select. Investing in digital marketing lets you target those who see your advertisements or learn about your website. Geo-targeting, keyword-based search engine marketing, and leveraging portals and social media focused on your target audience can help you get the right kind of clients. It is the difference between looking through the crosshairs and finding your mark and shooting in the dark.

3. Customers are confused about what you do.

If you get it right, with the right messaging delivered well, you will leave little to interpretation. People who see or hear about your brands will then go away with clarity on what your product or service can do to help them. On the other hand, if you cut corners and go with the cheapest available agency or the lowest-cost marketing consultant, you may do more harm to your brand than good. Muddled messaging can leave prospects baffled or, worse – have them thinking your product/service does something quite different than what it actually is meant for.

4. You’re discounting your goods or services.

Most business owners have faced a sales slump at some point. But if you feel that the only way to get people to buy your product is by offering them hefty discounts, you must stop for a moment. Could it be that the absence of marketing has led to an erosion (or lack of build-up) of your brand? If your competitors have similar services/products but command more and sell more, it could be a case of weak or absent marketing.

5. You are comparing yourself against your competitors – daily.

A strong marketing strategy takes cognisance of what the competition is doing and the business environment but does not rely on keeping up with the Joneses to get by. Instead, your marketing program should plan for the future and create the resources to make it happen. To make a difference and get noticed, you may need to do something no one else has done. You will need to stand out and do something different or better. Simply towing the line will only get you so far.

6. You realise you need to grow but are worried about losing what you have.

Growth is at the top of most entrepreneurs’ minds and business leaders’ minds. To stay top of mind in your clients’ consideration when they are out to make a purchase, you need to sustain your marketing effort. Losing out on the ground you already have covered can happen if you are lax about the amount of marketing effort it will take to hold onto your position. Keep an open mind about your marketing spend until you are in a comfortable position, but don’t let up or cut back once you get there. Marketing has to be an ongoing and long-term effort, not a short-term “project”. Look at Coca-Cola – you’d imagine they have a brand and following strong enough already, but they are hardly shying away from marketing.

7. You know your competitors are on social media (and so are your customers!).

Knowledge of what’s out there is a great start, but it can’t stop there. If you are aware that your prospects are on certain social media platforms—and more worryingly, so are your competitors—it is time to act. The good news is that getting onto social media and creating a following is something a reliable social media marketing consultant or firm can do for you. The other good thing about the digital medium is you can scale—and fast. With the right team behind you, your products or services can outpace and outshine the competition overnight. All it takes is some smart marketing moves.

Thoughts to ponder.

Talk to a potential marketer and see if you're the right fit.
Be clear about where you're at right now with your marketing.
Know where you want to get to in your business.

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Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
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